Veggen (The Wall)
Trine Fjellstad, Jonas Jessen and 6th grade, Fuglenes skole
Thursday 8 November 11am, 12noon and 13hr at Fuglenes skole
4 days. Identity. Body. The Wall - And art into school!
During a 4-day festival workshop, 6th grade at Fuglenes School will create a performance together with artists Trine Fjellstad and Jonas Jessen.
NOTE! The performance is suited for everyone from 3 years of age. The performance is free, but we have limited spaces, so please contact to reserve a seat.
The performances take place at Fuglenes School. Bus 130 and 132 run from town to Fuglenes. Search the bus routes here.
The wall is a dance workshop addressing the theme of identity and body, using film to see themselves in different situations, and to create a performance. Light and darkness are used to tell a story of movements and facial expressions. Thematicly, the workshop takes place in the gymnasium wall bars. What can you do with it? How can you move in it? How can you create art in it?
As instructors, we want to show a side of the kids that they often do not have the opportunity to show in their daily lives. We will motivate the use of all the child's expressions; calm or energetic. On the last day of the workshops, movies and live motion are put together to a performance. The presence of the camera in the room is important, and the encounter with oneself on the camera, as well as how to meet and respect other people's artistic expressions both live and on film is the focus.- Trine Fjellstad and Jonas Jessen
The workshops are a collaboration between Fuglenes skole, The Cultural Rucksack, Dansearena nord, Hammerfest Culture School and DanseFestival Barents.
Duration ca. 30 min
Why not combine it with a walk?
Please note, that on Thursday the 8th November you can take a walk to Fuglenes (Approximately 30 minutes from the town centre along the sea-front) and see Born Old at 10am, and walk a few minutes to nearby Fuglenes Skole to see Veggen at 11am, or alternatively see Veggen at 12 noon and stroll a few minutes down to Mylingen Barnehage to see Born Old at 13hr. While you are at Fuglenes, why not also take a look at the famous monument Struves Meridianbue. Link to the monument here
Alternatively, you can catch a local bus, which takes 10 minutes from town to Fuglenes. Bus 130 and 132 run from the town centre to Fuglenes. Link to bus routes here.
The film is from a preliminary project at Forsøl School.
Trine S Fjellstad studied at the Statens Balletthøgskole (KHiO), Bachelor of Education. She also has postgraduate education from the Norwegian Music College: Entrepreneur in Education and Management. Trine has worked as a teacher at the cultural school in the Oslo and has choreographed several performances and events. She has choreographed for the Det Norske Teateret and the Norwegian Opera Youth programme. In addition, Trine has worked as a producer for Dansens Hus in the "Glitterbird" project. Currently Trine works as a dance teacher and choreographer at Hammerfest Culture School.
Jonas Jessen is educated in Film and Media Studies at the University of Copenhagen. He has a Bachelor in Communication from Roskilde University and has been a student at the European Film High School in Ebeltoft. He has worked with children and youth through the Red Cross project and has experience from international projects like the large multicultural project "A song for Copenhagen". Jonas moved to Hammerfest in the spring of 2017. Currently he works as a sound engineer at the Arctic Cultural Centre and runs his own sound company; Monkey House Sound.