Bukse og bass is a picture-poem, where the poet writes about himself and physically enters the poem.
We meet the man and bass player Øystein Sanne and we are allowed to have a peek at his daily meeting with things that stand close to him. He flies like a bird, but can't seem to manage to put his trousers on. He sings country, but this man is definitely no cowboy.
He embodies a strong resistance. He has to concur this every day in order to continue his journey.
This performance is like all of us. Sometimes awkward, sometimes funny and sometimes genius.
Text: Thorbjørn Gabrielsen
Director: Thorbjørn Gabrielsen
Actor: Øystein Sanne
Music: Øystein Helle
Costumes: Sissel Helgesen
Lighting: Sissel Helgesen
Video: Thorbjørn Gabrielsen
Performances: Hammerfest Cinema, Thursday 30th of March, 12 noon and 7 p.m.