This is going to be a circus experience with a difference. Even tho this circus is tiny - three artists and one musician - it will bring you a huge and magical journey into a world which you have never experienced. What is different about this circus is that it brings you a story.
Mini, Midi and Maxi are best friends. They share the language of circus acts. Next door lives Vam. He is different, he acts different and his language is music. But Vam doesn't want to be only a musician. He wants to be a friend. Vam has to solve the riddle of friendship, to become a part of the gang.
This performance is not dependent on language. The story is told through sounds, music, mimmic, acrobatics and circus acts. Sirkusgåter is a performance based on our senses and draws on our emotions and moods, where music, movement circus expressions and acting are equals. We dare to be difficult, and trust in the audience's abilities to understand and interpret the situations. Sirkusgåter is beautiful and poetic. This form of expression challenges the audience to stop, freeze the moment, and dare to wonder.
One one level the performance tells a personal history, about three friends that develop from children to youths and who constantly finds each other in new ways. When they one day meet someone who wants to join their game, but who carries a new expression, their worlds are challenged.
Sirkusgåter is about being alienated and shut out, about being different, and about how to open up to others. We wish to share the importance of believing in who you are and that we all can master something. The circus' magical space provides challenges to deal with and mysteries to pander on . -why doesn't she fall? Where do things that disappear go? -why do the audience sometimes applaud, and other times they don't? These riddles of the circus mirrors the questions we meet in real life, especially during childhood and as youths.
"If you haven't seen KULTAs acrobatic gang in action, you really need to see Sirkusgåter. And if you have, rush to see them again. Sirkusgåter is a beautiful, visual and understandable little performance for both the little and the big ones. (...) KULTA hands out candy as you enter the theatre, but the real candy is what happens on stage. The kinds are hypnotised while the four artists on stage dives over each other, climbs each other, stage battles, juggles and play. Vegard Krane and Åse-Lill Bjørklund do an amazing climbing scene, and proves that KULTA have professional instructors they can be proud of. Sirkusgåter is wordless communication aimed directly at your laughing muscles and your heart." (translated) Hege I. Hansen, Nordlys
Length: ca, 45 min
Target group: 6-10 yrs. Suitable for all age groups.
Director: Bente Reibo
Assistant producer: Klaus Løkholm Bergli
Scenography: Tor-Bjørn Gundersen
Costumes: Ann-Jorunn Pedersen
Technical: Svenn - Ketil Jevningen
Choreography: Ensemble
Artists: Vegard Krane, Åse-Lill Bjørklund, Kristoffer Jørgensen, Klaus Løkholm Bergli (musician and actor).
Script: Bente Reibo and Tor-Bjørn Gundersen in collaboration with the ensemble
Producer : Vegard Krane, Klaus Løkholm Bergli
Supported by: Art Council Norway/ABM Utvikling and Tromsø kommune.
Performances: Folkets Hus, Thursday the 30th of March 1 p.m. (school performance) and 6 p.m.