The communication of an individual with what touches him by exceeding him, what crosses him in its untraceable essence. A rite, figure of strangeness and fulgurance. The person is misty of words, heap of words, spiral story, recollection, inhaled meander, chains of bet dances. He participates of a ceremony where rising life comes to settle, to die one moment in an image to be renewed there. He’s in the edge, on the thread of the knife, in the present of the appearance.
The French choreographer and dancer William Petit visit Hammerfest to show his solo performance, based on the dark and gloomy sides of our existence.
Choreography and interpretation: William Petit
Lighting design: Thierry Lacroix
Sound: Hungarian traditional music, Tarafs of Haïdouks, Felix Lajko
Duration: 50 minutes
Production: Rialto Fabrik Nomade
Support: General Council of Var
Partnership: Theater de la Minoterie - Marseille, Espacedes Arts - Le Pradet
Creation: July 2000 - Studio Kelemenis - Marseille
Performance: Grendehuset in Rypefjord, Monday 26th of March, 6 p.m.