Théâtre Incliné in collaboration with Nordland Visual Theatre
Thursday 9 nov. 9 p.m, Frityren
A beautiful performance montage from a journey along the Polar Circle. A cool and visual stream of images and thoughts around what the nord is from a team of Norwegian, Finnish and Canadian artists. Is there a northenticity?
Nordicité is a quest. A wandering artist gives us an intimate testimony of her encounter with the North, and of her feeling of vertigo as she faces an immensity she cannot seize.
Visual poem where video projection, music, theater and dance move alongside one another, Nordicité is a journey within myths and realities, and a reflection on our capacity to understand the voices of the North.
Encountering the North... A few years ago, I went to teach in Nunavut. This is where I met the North, and I fell in love with it. So I walked the steps of the polar circle, I explored the land, I captured samples of humanity hoping to bring the voices of the North to the South. I met wonderful people and artists, the silence and the immensity. I wanted to show the North I had imagined, the one I had encountered. Magnificent. Out of reach. But projects are like relationships. Some leave you you marks like frostbites on your heart. I love you North. Because you remain unattainable. Because I will never own you. José Babin
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Duration 60 min (no interval)
Language English
Script José Babin in collaboration with Pascal Brullemans, oversatt av Mathilde Perallat
Stage direction José BabinArtistic Advisor (Quebec) Francine Alepin
On stage José Babin, Mélanie Chouinard and Bryan Morneau
Scenography and video concept Kalle Nio
Music Guido Del Fabbro
Assistant director, dolls and costume Émilie Racine
Light design Alexandra Dugalv Tailor Charline Guay Scenography build Atelier 303 og Alain Lavallée
Artistic Advisor Bente Andersen (Samovarteatret)
Scientific Advisor Daria Schwalbe (Arctic Institute, Copenhagen)
Producer Canada Cynthia Bouchard-Gosselin
Texts by
Greenland: Pipaluk Lykke Løgstrup,
Sweden: Rasmus Lindberg,
Iceland: Kári Tulinius,
Norway: Tale Næss,
Finland: Maria Peura,
Canada: Lucy Tulugarjuk,
Russia: Alexander Seryakov,
USA/Alaska: Sean Asiqluq Topkok
José Babin is the Théâtre Incliné's artistic director. Both stage director and actress, she explores playwriting through the imagery of scenic writing, working on productions with or without words. Each new project is rooted in a specific territory and this time it is the earth as seen from the above. In October and November 2016, during a six-week creation residency in the Nordland Visual Theatre, a Norwegian artistic counsellor, a Finish video maker and five Quebecer artists have created the first version of the show in this spectacular place. More work was done in Quebec in January and February 2017 and the Canadian Premiere took place in March 2017.