A performance about an everyday life so far from each other but yet so close.
The distance between Kirkenes with about 5000 inhabitants and Murmansk with about 330.000 inhabitants is the same as the distance between Oslo and Lillehammer. But the differences between the people living in these places are bigger yet. In this performance you will catch a glimpse of three young people's stories. They live an everyday life so far from each other but yet so close. Just a stone throw away.
The idea for the performance developed on a visit to Murmansk. Suddenly a group of children gathered around the bus, begging for roubles. This was our first meeting with the children living on the streets of Murmansk. It is said that the Norwegian-Russian border in the east of Finnmark is the border with the biggest difference between rich and poor in the world.
Samovarteateret have worked closely with Redd Barna (Save the Children Norway) and their project workers in Murmansk. They have gotten to know some of the lives of the children living on the streets, and also worked closely with a group of Norwegian youths.
This performance is not a documentary. Samovarteateret have been inspired by the material collected, reworked it, and given it a theatrical form. This is the story of three youths, told through music, text and movement. During the performance you will meet performers from Norway and Russia, as well as hear music from Lithuania.
The performance is a newly written drama, with newly composed music. This is a performance that will touch you and leave a great impression.
The performance premiered 15th of March 2007. It is now to tour and play at festivals nationally and internationally.
Idea and production: Samovarteateret
Directed by: Bente S. Andersen
Actors: Gøran Østerbøl, Inger Bakke, Turid Skoglund
Dancer: Nikolai Shchetnev
Drama consultant: Ingeborg Arvola
Composer/musician: Jurgita Miezelyte
Lighting design: Niels A. W. Jensen
Technician: Magnus Holm Slettebø
Carpenter/technical crew: Odd Aune
Costume: Samovarteateret
Photo: Lene Stavå
Performance: Hammerfest Cinema, Saturday 24th of March 7.30 p.m.