I say tomato and you don't even talk about vegetables
The performance plays with our conceptions about how we as humans are supposed to relate to each other. I say tomato twists and surprises with new points of views. The piece describes a relationship as something else than it is, and is more interested in asking questions than giving answers.
The piece is a professional collaboration in dance between Sweden and Finland.
Choreography: Björn Safsten
Dancers: Sophie Augot, Jussi Hanhirova and Björn Safsten
The Adaptation
The Adaptation build on urbanisation theories about how we as people adjust to new surroundings. How is that sense of home crated and the frustration and resistance that can occur. The piece is followed with projections related to the environment of the dancer.
The piece was created in collaboration with the choreographer, dancers, and scenographer during a residency in Madrid last summer.
Choreography: Björn Safsten
Scenography: Jess Franch
Dancers: Anja Arnquist, Sophie Augot
Music: po14r[:DE]_Lorena
Video: Alejo Maside
Graphic design: Jonas Ahlgren
Co-produced with: Aula de Danza Estrella Casero (Universidad de Alcalá)
Supported by: Sevenska Ambassaden, Konstnärsnämden, La Casa Encendida, Aula de Danza Estrella Casero (Universidad de Alcalá)
Performances: Hammerfest Cinema, Tuesday 27th of March 7.30 p.m.