Both Bodø and Hammerfest are marking themselves as new centres for art. Bodø with dance company Moving Art and Hammerfest with Stellaris DanceTheatre and North-Norwegian regional Dance stage. These three institutions are important forces in the development of art for stage with a slightly different, North-Norwegian twist.
Moving Art is this year visiting Hammerfest with two choreographies. Og over oss er himmelen... (And above us is the sky...) is a choreography inspired by North of Norway. The music, nature, people, pictures by Karl Erik Harr and Espolin Johnson as well as myths and stories. Cello/Suite for Two is a duet with a man and a woman, which for once is not about love. The choreography looks at the moment when two people meet.
From Hammerfest the classical music piece from Antonio Vivaldi set the mood for Anna Karpova's Årstider (The Seasons). In this choreography summer, autumn, winter and spring meet in play and seriousness.
Fra Cello/Suite for Two. Fotograf: Arvid Larsen