About moving/flytta/flytte/перемещаться/зрушитися/
or staying/stanna upp/stoppe opp/оставаться/залишитись/
and about being moved/bli rörd/bli beveget/быть растроганным/бути зворушеним
MOVE – Border Crossing Art Project is an International collective with merited artists from Sweden, Norway, Russia and Ukraine. WHAT MOVES YOU? is a performance on the border between visual concert, dance and physical theatre. It is based on working periods in the home countries of the five artists containing explorations, concerts, street and stage performances.
MOVE are:
Charlotta Ruth, Sweden
Alexandr Andriyashkin, Russia
Tobias Leira, Norway
Kateryna Zavoloka, Ukraine
Johannes Burström, Sweden
Tour manager and scenographic adviser: Walter Ruth, Sweden
The performance production is sponsored by:
Nordic Culture Point, Swedish Arts Council and Dans i Nord
Performance: Breilia School, Thursday 9th of October, 7 p.m.