We live in a time which in many ways is becoming more and more complex. Various options, fast-paced and demands to perform makes many lose your breath or at best living in sometimes spiritual distress. The breath can be a vehicle to take back what is ours. Learn to use it.
PUSTerom is a unique gathering where physical exercises, philosophy and theory of art of breathing provides a unique opportunity to get to know ourselves through conscious use of breath.
The four presenters all have a long and broad experience with the theme.
Sharing a breath: Kim Atle Hanse (playwrighter and actor)
Breath and voice: Anette Arsland (breathing specialist and opera)
Breathing into healt: Vibeke Thorp (nutritionist and author)
Breath in pictures: Eva Bakkeslett (artist)
The seminar is part of the art project PUST (BREATH).
The performance PUST of Haugen Productions is shown Sunday. 5:00 p.m. in Ole Olsensalen at Arctic Culture. In addition, the award-winning film BREATH by E. Bakkeslett will be shown at VERK. Breathing expert Anette Aarsland offers a
Breathing course Sunday, November 13 kl. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.PACKAGE DEAL: Buy tickets for the performance PUST and the seminar PUSTerom for 300 kr.