BARENTSCRASH!! Russian traditions in classical ballet and folk dance meet Norwegian electronica music, film and light! We create meetings and connections across the boarders and invite you to an unique experience.
The tradition of dance is strong in Russia. Contemporary electronic music is strong in Norway. Both are alive and kicking in the Barents region, which shows the excitement and power we have. Film art and lighting design lifts the visual in the performance and acts as a bridge builder between the other two art forms.
By collecting a series of solos and duets from the traditional repertoire in Russia and by giving them a new soundtrack with Arctic electronica with cinema and backlight, a master meeting between new and traditional expressions can occur. Our crew meet only days before the premiere and works intensively to open this year's festival!
Idea and director Jon Tombre Artistic researcher and consultant Solveig Leinan-Hermo
Dancers from Culture Palace named after S. M. Kirov (Murmansk), Druzhba (Arkhangelsk), The Musical Theatre of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk) Music Amund Ulvestad Film Kim S. Falck-Jørgensen Light design Torbjørn Thane Sandnes