Titta Court is a north Finland based dance artist who works as dancer, choreographer, dance teacher, producer and mentor. She has produced work for numerous public spaces, factories, hospitals, private homes and nature not to mention stages and venues across Finland and the extensive Barents Region and further. https://www.tittacourt.com/
Jose Salo is a puppeteer. She has worked as an actress, puppet builder and director since 2009. Salo has funded solo-puppet theatre called ”Liikutus.” Under this name she has made several puppet shows both for adults and children.
teatteriliikutus9.webnode.fiAnssi Laiho is an electronic music composer, sound designer, performer and producer. He has studied composing and sound designing at the City College of Manchester and in Oulu Conservatorium. The past 5 years his work has been heard in many different kind of productions from dance to animation and films.
Jukka Huitila is light designer, visual artist, scenographer and media artist. He has worked with visualisations in many fields, like music, performing arts and light installations. His work has been seen in ANTI-festival in Kuopio and Lux Helsinki.
www.jukkahuitila.comJaana Isokangas is a make-up artist, costume designer and hair stylist. She works both for theatre and film. On top of this, she is also a talented singer and artist.