Saturday 13 November 17:30, Foyer, AKS
Samovarteateret welcomes you to the showing of work in process; «SKÅR – av tro, håp og kjærlighet». The performance premieres in Kirkenes, February 2022.
We work around the question: Where in the body are the memories?
We work around the themes of touch, hope and goodbyes.
Newly composed music, dance, movement and newly written lyrics.
The text is based, among other things, on interviews with people who have lived a long life - who have generously shared their personal stories and memories with us. Suitable for young people, young adults and everyone who has been once.
Duration: 15 min
The performance is free, but any donations to DanseFestival Barents via VIPPS will be much appreciated Vipps # 117954 or search for DanseFestival Barents in the app, or via PayPal.
Idea and production Samovarteateret Director/Dramaturgy Bente S. Andersen Performers Runa Sætervoll, Nikolay Shchetnev, Turid Skoglund, Per Magnus Barlaug Technique Pavel Rumyantsev
Funders Barents Kult, Barents Sekretariatet and Samovarteateret.