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Saturday 9 November 19:00 Frityren, Arktisk kultursenter
“Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.” Oscar Wilde
What happens when 3 experienced women take power to get what they want?
Three established dance artists come together in an exhilarating, raw, moving and funny performance about the experience, anatomy and physiology of sex/uality. Together and through dance, movement and monologues, they explore and share experiences, social traumas and desires. With a twinkle in their eye, self-irony and vulnerability, the trio tell personal stories ranging from being queer, to hormonal changes. to indifference to sex and discovering new sexuality.
What happens when 3 experienced women take power to get what they want?
Three established dance artists come together in an exhilarating, raw, moving and funny performance about the experience, anatomy and physiology of sex/uality. Together and through dance, movement and monologues, they explore and share experiences, social traumas and desires. With a twinkle in their eye, self-irony and vulnerability, the trio tell personal stories ranging from being queer, to hormonal changes. to indifference to sex and discovering new sexuality.
Performed and created by Liv Hanne Haugen, Meagan O’Shea, Anne Katrine Haugen. Margunn Kilde was involved in the first edition of the project. Her input was an important inspiration for further work Music Nasra Light Øystein Heitmann Artistic guidance Margret Vilhjalmsdottir, Kristina Junttila, Melanie Fieldseth Production Haugen Produksjoner Supported by Norwegian Arts Council, Fond for Lyd og Bilde, Fond for Utøvende Kunstnere, Fritt Ord, Tromsø Kommune, Davvi-Senter for Scenekunst and Tromsø Kulturskole Thanks to K.J. Holmes og Caroline Grønbekk for contribution in the process Photo Jamie Bivard, Marius Fiskum and Margunn Kilde Duration 1hr