Bird & Bat
Saturday 11 November, Mylingen Barnehage, 3 p.m
This award winning family performance all the way from Iceland is a beautiful treat for the youngest. We can all relate to icy and windy conditions!
Several kindergartens visit Mylingen Barnehage to see Vera and the water during the festival, but we also have an open performance so more children get the opportunity to see this!
Vera and the water is a playful performance aimed a 1-5 year old children that premiered at Gerðuberg Culture House in Reykjavík in april 2016.
The performance revolves around the weather creature Vera and her experiences and experiments in stormy weathers. From sliding in icy puddles, fleeing the rain and loosing all control in a great storm she entertains herself and the children around her.
Vera and the Water was awarded the Icelandic Performing Arts Award Gríman in 2016 for best children's show of the season.
“The performance is absolutely beautiful … a contemporary dance performance with a theatrical twist and the performer, Snædís Lilja, is at her absolute best” Kara Hergils Fréttablaðið 19. May 2016

Photo: Steve Lorenz
Choreographer Tinna Grétarsdóttir Musician and composer Sólrún Sumarliðadóttir Costume Guðný Hrund Sigurðardóttir Dancer Snædís Lilja Ingadóttir
Duration 25 min + 15 min playtime
Bird & Bat
Bird & Bar er det første islandske danseselskapet som fokuserer på arbeid for unge publikum. Deres første arbeid, Castle in the Clouds, ble premiere i 2012. Målet er å skape en magisk verden som barn kan komme inn i teaturs barnehager.