Å bøye en krets (Bending a circuit)
An improvised electronic concert and motion performance
In the festival week, Showing Friday 11 November 10 a.m. Voksenopplæringa (Hammerfest Adult Education Centre)
About the project
Here are taken using electronic circuits made unstable so they make noises they were not supposed to. (This technique is called circuit bending.) Then a very weak power can change the sound. So weak that there may be current flowing through the body, or several bodies. When bodies are moving, tense the muscles or changing contact points are changing the sound itself. Then a circle of few or many moving bodies determine how the electronic circuit to sound and play it.
With students at Hammerfest Adult Education Centre together with Einar Goksøyr Hill, Veronica Bruce and Harald Fetveit (Dance for adults)
Duration showing: 30 min